How to Work on Keyword Research for Better SEO


Keyword research is extremely important since it can help find terms, phrases, queries, and answers that are related to your users and potential customers. You’ll need to know how to conduct SEO keyword research if you want to attract more properly qualified leads to your website.

The process of locating all possible search queries relevant to your business and clients is known as keyword research. Finding, classifying, and prioritising keywords are part of keyword research, that can help you develop a good internet marketing strategy.

Keyword research to ensure better SEO ranking of your website

Here is a list of points that will give you an idea of how to work on keyword research for better SEO:

  • Make use of keyword research software

There are numerous internet marketing solutions for viewing your competitors’ statistics. Take advantage of this as many third-party tools will show you which keywords your competitors use to attract more traffic and potential clients.

Google Keyword Planner is one of the most widely used free SEO keyword research tools. This free keyword research tool displays monthly search volume, long-tail term relevance, and search trends for better search engine optimisation.

Popular and complex third-party tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Ubersuggest provide a more extensive list of potential long-tail keywords and statistical data from the sector and keywords you’re targeting.

  • Choose the ‘appropriate’ keywords

When looking for related and targetable keywords, use tools to locate popular terms with high search traffic and low keyword difficulty. This is an internet marketing strategy to limit your possibilities for keywords that aren’t too broad or too particular.

If the keywords are too broad, such as “computer,” it will be impossible for your material to realistically rank for them, as you will be competing with multinational firms. Furthermore, the traffic generated by these broad keywords might not be the type of people you’re looking for.

It will be simpler for you to rank at the top of the search engines if your keywords are overly specialised, but they will also have a low search volume that your material will likely not be worth your effort. Selecting the proper keywords or phrases will assist you in gradually dominating, stabilising, and increasing your organic traffic from users looking for similar topics, products, or services.

  • Keep in mind that the most important thing is to prioritise

If you’ve already compiled a list of phrases and search engine optimisation keywords, it’s time to make them searchable. Prioritise your keyword list based on the following criteria: relevance, search volume, and keyword difficulty.

When you play around with keyword research tools, you’ll often be bombarded with an infinite number of keywords, each with its own set of synonyms and word combinations. Make them a priority and include them in high-quality content that is worth reading.

  • Compare yourself to your competitors

Do you have any rivals or industry leaders you’d like to dethrone? Then, in Google Keyword Planner, type in their URL to see what keywords they aim for.

Depending on how competitive the keywords are, you’ll need to decide whether to target the exact term or a completely different keyword to stay ahead of the pack. But, again, make use of the information that your competitors have.


Search engine optimisation is crucial for ensuring that your website reaches your target audience. With a detailed keyword analysis as a starting point of any digital marketing strategy, businesses can except results that can lead to generating high revenue.